Find out about Florence Nightingale
2020 is Florence Nightingale’s bicentenary, but like all Museums the Florence Nightingale Museum in London s closed, however, there are a number of online resources to find out more about here. …
Be curious – Explore – Discover new things – Have fun – Learn
2020 is Florence Nightingale’s bicentenary, but like all Museums the Florence Nightingale Museum in London s closed, however, there are a number of online resources to find out more about here. …
Learning guitar can often seem slow and frustrating if you’re just starting out. I know from my own experience that you’ll be eager to make progress quickly and start playing songs …
TimeOut (NY) reports If you’re a lover of art books, the Guggenheim Museum offers more than 200 exhibition catalogs that you can download from its archives for free! The titles date back …
Sometimes they’re funny. Sometimes they’re annoying or even frustrating. They can disrupt you at the most inconvenient times. No, I’m not talking about your family members—good guess, though! I’m talking about …
On 29 April the British Museum Twitter account announced Today we’re excited to launch a major revamp of our Collection online! 🏛📲 We’ve been working extra hard to bring you this …
The piano is one of the most popular and versatile instruments you can learn to play. It shares much of its design with a keyboard and is a good starting place …
Want to learn the new words that seem to have now become part of our daily vernacular? How many do you know or use? (Personally, I had been using the abbreviations …
For everyone in Queensland trying to figure out what is the most exciting thing to go drive by within 50km of their house is… https://t.co/1C4KrjUzxp — Paul Woods (@paulwoods) May 1, …
DigVentures in the UK runs lots of archeological events around the country. However, with lockdown it is now offering virtual tours of dig sites as well as other events. You’ll find …
Has your household’s conversation dried up during lockdown? Have you run out of things to say to family members during video calls because none of you have actually done anything? Then …
Mayday is the word used around the world to make a distress call via radio communications. Mayday signals a life-threatening emergency, usually on a ship or a plane, although it may be used …
Most people living in the United States know little about the International Workers’ Day of May Day. For many others there is an assumption that it is a holiday celebrated in …