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Learn how to build solutions and use Microsoft products from the experts that built them! Learn TV is the place to find the latest digital content so you can always keep …
Be curious – Explore – Discover new things – Have fun – Learn
Learn how to build solutions and use Microsoft products from the experts that built them! Learn TV is the place to find the latest digital content so you can always keep …
From the UK Met Office How do thermometers work and how were they invented? Why does water freeze at 32 degrees on the Fahrenheit temperature scale but zero on the Celsius …
Which One Doesn’t Belong is a website dedicated to providing thought-provoking puzzles for math teachers and students alike. There are no answers provided as there are many different, correct ways of choosing …
Yes, you can learn how to dance online for free. From party moves and trending TikTok dances to classic ballroom steps, try these free websites for beginner and experienced dancers. Online …
Learn Anything is the platform for knowledge discovery that helps you understand any topic through the most efficient paths, as voted by the community. Each topic has a mind map with …
We’ve teamed up with our ice cream friends Häagen-Dazs to add a bit of magic to your lockdown. Over the next 8 weeks, we will bring you Secret Worlds you may have loved, …
Countdown is a British game show involving word and number tasks. In the (online) word game you select vowels and consonants as you wish. You then have 30 seconds to find …
Journey into the past and you’ll discover the secret history of the future. From the world’s first cyberattack in 1834, to 19th-century virtual reality, the Economist’s Tom Standage and Slate’s Seth …
Un-put-down-able books, for me, have certain qualities: great characters, strong narrative drive, a premise that hooks me. The writing is often strong (though “serviceable” will suffice, if you know what I mean), …
Reading an entire book in a matter of hours may seem daunting, but it all comes down to simple math. The average adult reads around 200-400 words per minute. The average …
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is on Hawaii Island (the Big Island). At its heart are the Kīlauea and Mauna Loa active volcanoes. The Crater Rim Drive passes steam vents and the …
You have 80,000 hours in your career. The 80,000 hours podcasts is a show about the world’s most pressing problems and how you can use your career to solve them. Find out how …
The Palace of Versailles was the principal royal residence of France from 1682, under Louis XIV, until the start of the French Revolution in 1789, under Louis XVI. It is located …
Watch the International Space Station pass overhead from several thousand worldwide locations. It is the third brightest object in the sky and easy to spot if you know when to look …
Helen has already shared a post, Learn how to solve cryptic crosswords, but here is an app to help you do just that. Based on a course and book designed and taught …
Bill Simpson writes .. A little secret: Tap Dance is not as hard as it looks. My goal is simple: to help you take your first few steps with confidence, and …
Chris Lonsdale is Managing Director of Chris Lonsdale & Associates, a company established to catalyse breakthrough performance for individuals and senior teams. In addition, he has also developed a unique and …
First aid saves lives – can you afford not to make this vital New Year’s resolution? It is a stark fact that 8 out of 10 parents surveyed admitted they wouldn’t …
The Atlantic created an animated video that takes a look at the history of housing from the basic painted cave in 25,000 BC to the 3D-printed house of 2015. Throughout human …
How much do you know about the world? The Great Big Travel Quiz is in The Telegraph With school cancelled, and adults stuck at home, what better time to show off …
Image credit: Museum Bring masterpieces from some of the world’s top museums into your own home using the power of augmented reality (AR). With [AR]T Museum, you can experience your favorite …
When it comes to interactive virtual views, you can go to any place in the world and even outer space. So, a virtual tour through the human body shouldn’t be beyond …
I can’t begin to tell you how satisfying it is watching this YouTube channel called Magnet World. With magnets (just like Lego) you can build whatever you want. Check out the …
Welcome to the Puratos Library of everything that you need to know about sourdough. It’s not available for public visits so why not go through it virtually!
The free Space Center Houston interactive mobile tour features audio tour, GPS maps, selfie filters, augmented reality experiences, virtual reality lite and more! Here are some of the amazing tools and …
Grafika is the brand for art jigsaw puzzles - and it offers both works of classical artists such as van Gogh, Monet or Klimt, and works of contemporary artists such as …
Kew Gardens is a botanic garden in southwest London that houses the largest and most diverse botanical and mycological collections in the world. Roam the gardens from the comfort of your …
GQ magazine named Ologies as one of the best podcasts to listen to during self-isolation Is there an -ology for everything? Alie Ward is finding out on her podcast, where she …
MakeUseOf has a recent article, 15 Fun Websites for Instantly Beating Boredom Online Looking for websites to go to when bored? Don’t let boredom get boring. Even Steve Jobs was a …
For the Record reports on a new Daily Wellness playlist: A mix of motivational podcasts and personalized music The new playlist, made to fit into your daily routine, updates once in …